Vienna 2023 workshop • Workshop details & logistics

This page will have logistical details for the upcoming #vienna-2023 workshop at #iiasa in Laxenburg/Vienna, Austria, to be held on March 22-24, 2023.

The page will be updated as needed.

Venue / Host

International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Energy, Climate, and Environment Program (ECE)
Schlossplatz 1, 2361 Laxenburg, Austria


Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - Capacity-building sessions (day 0, optional)

Stream a: Wodak Room, Stream b: Gvishiani Room

  • 9:30-10:00 Arrival and registration
  • 10:00-12:00 Capacity-building (parallel sessions)
    • a) “Participating in ECEMF - how to join the model comparison exercise to build a more robust evidence base”, led by Will Usher (KTH)
    • b) “The MESSAGEix Integrated Assessment Modeling Framework”, led by Adriano Vinca and Paul Kishimoto
  • 12:00-13:00 Lunch
  • 13:00-15:00 Capacity-building (parallel sessions)
    • a) "Are your results consistent? Comparing the results from an IAM and a sectoral model”, led by Sara Lumbreras, Andres Ramos, and Luis Olmos (Comillas)
    • b) “Publishing open, annotated and FAIR data with the OEFamily”, led by Ludwig Hülk (RLI)
  • 15:00-15:30 Coffee break
  • 15:30-17:30 Capacity-building (parallel sessions)
    • a) “The pyam package for scenario analysis & data visualization”, led by Philip Hackstock (IIASA)
    • b) to be decided

Thursday, March 23 - openmod workshop (day 1)

Plenary sessions: Wodak Room (rooms for break-out groups to be announced at lunch)

  • 9:00-10:00 Arrival and registration
  • 10:00-10:10 Welcome (Daniel Huppmann, Energy Climate & Environment, IIASA)
  • 10:10-10:20 IIASA’s open-science strategy (Michaela Rossini, Library & Knowledge Resources, IIASA)
  • 10:20-10:45 Achievements and challenges of the openmod community (Ludwig Huelk, RLI)
  • 10:45-11:45 Lightning talks (Part 1) (short presentations in the plenary)
  • 11:45-12:30 Marketplace for break-out groups
  • 12:30-13:30 Lunch
  • 13:30-15:30 Do-a-thon, break-out groups (Part 1)
  • 15:30-16:30 Coffee break
  • 16:30-17:30 Do-a-thon, break-out groups (Part 2)
  • 19:00-… Social event at Stöckl im Park (link, close to Vienna Hauptbahnhof)

Posters will be on display during lunch and the coffee break…

Friday, March 24 - openmod workshop (day 2)

Plenary sessions: Wodak Room

  • 9:30-10:00 Reporting-back from break-out groups
  • 10:00-10:30 Keynote: The need for open modeling and barriers to achieving it: An EIA Perspective (Sauleh Siddiqui, Chief Energy Modeller, US EIA)
  • 10:30-11:00 Lightning talks (Part 2) (short presentations in the plenary)
  • 11:00-11:30 Coffee break
  • 11:30-12:30 Closing plenary
  • 12:30-… Lunch

Rooms for continuing work in break-out groups will be available in the afternoon


Meals and coffee/tea/juice breaks will be provided by IIASA at no cost. All meal options will be vegetarian/vegan. Please reach out if you have any other dietary restrictions.


We recommend to use one of the following connections from Vienna to Laxenburg:

  • Bus 200 from Wien Hauptbahnhof to Laxenburg Franz-Joseph-Platz
  • Local train R95 from Wien Hauptbahnhof to Laxenburg-Biedermannsdorf (15 minutes walk)
  • Local train S2 to Mödling, then bus 215 to Laxenburg Franz-Joseph-Platz

Visit for train/bus times. Fares are 5 € per one-way trip from/to Vienna.

Suggested hotels

We recommend to book a hotel or hostel close to Vienna “Hauptbahnhof”, for example:


You could have posted it also here in the future:

or add a link to it, for higher visibility - but unfortunatley registration is already closed :slight_smile:

Agenda given in lead posting reworked as markdown tables. Where discrepancies arise, the lead posting takes priority. Notwithstanding I will try to keep the information displayed here current. R

All timestamps in UTC +0100 Central European Time (CET). Be aware that clocks in Europe change forward to UTC+0200 Central European Summer Time (CEST) on 25/26 March 2023.

Wednesday 22 March 2023 — Capacity-building sessions — Day 0 (optional)

Locations: run as parallel sessions with stream a in the Wodak Room and stream b in the Gvishiani Room

  Times   Streams Facilitators
09:30–10:00 Arrival and registration
:one: 10:00–12:00 :a:  Participating in ECEMF — how to join the model comparison exercise to build a more robust evidence base Will Usher (KTH)
:b: The MESSAGEix Integrated Assessment Modeling Framework Adriano Vinca (IIASA),
Paul Kishimoto (IIASA)
12:00–13:00 Lunch break
:two: 13:00–15:00 :a: Are your results consistent? Comparing the results from an IAM and a sectoral model Sara Lumbreras,
Andres Ramos,
Luis Olmos (Comillas)
:b: Publishing open, annotated, and FAIR data with the OEFamily Ludwig Hülk (RLI)
15:00–15:30 Coffee break
:three: 15:30–17:30 :a: The pyam package for scenario analysis and data visualization Philip Hackstock (IIASA)  

This Wednesday program is supported by the Eurpean Union Horizon 2020 projects ECEMF, NAVIGATE, and ENGAGE.

Thursday 23 March 2023 — openmod workshop — Day 1

Locations: plenary sessions in the Wodak Room with the rooms for the break‑out groups to be announced at lunch

  Times Span  Item  Presenters / Remarks
09:30–10:00 00:30 Arrival and registration
:one: 10:00–10:10  00:10 Welcome Daniel Huppmann (Energy Climate and Environment, IIASA)
:two: 10:10–10:20 00:10 IIASA’s open-science strategy Michaela Rossini (Library and Knowledge Resources, IIASA)
:three: 10:20–10:45 00:25 Keynote: Achievements and challenges of the openmod community Ludwig Hülk (RLI)
:four: 10:45–11:45 01:00 Lightning talks — Part 1 see detailed agenda
:five: 11:45–12:30 00:45 Marketplace for break‑out groups   further background
12:30–13:30 01:00 Lunch break
:six: 13:30–15:30 02:00 Do‑a‑thon break-out groups — Part 1
15:30–16:30 01:00 Coffee break
:seven: 16:30–17:30 01:00 Do‑a‑thon break‑out groups — Part 2
19:00 start Social event at Stöckl im Park venue close to Vienna Hauptbahnhof 

Stöckl im Park is located at Prinz Eugen‑Straße 25, 1030 Vienna, 10–15 minutes walk north from Vienna Central Station (Wien Hauptbahnhof). See OpenStreetMap.

Friday 24 March 2023 — openmod workshop — Day 2

Locations: plenary sessions in the Wodak Room

  Times Span  Item  Presenters / Remarks
:one: 09:30–10:00 00:30 Break-out groups reporting  
:two: 10:00–10:30 00:30 Keynote: The need for open modeling and barriers to achieving it: an EIA perspective Sauleh Siddiqui (Chief Energy Modeler, US EIA
:three: 10:30–11:00 00:30 Lightning talks — Part 2 see detailed agenda
11:00–11:30 00:30 Coffee break
:four: 11:30–12:30 01:00 Closing plenary
12:30 start Lunch break rooms available for break‑outs to continue  

I imagine an informal social gathering will take place in central Vienna on the Friday evening following the end of the official programme. We can organize via the vienna‑2023‑workshop group.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Vienna 2023 workshop • Resources