

At IIASA since 2015, I led the re-implementation of the MESSAGEix Integrated Assessment Model - now released as an open-source framework for large-scale energy systems modelling (MESSAGEix.iiasa.ac.at).

I’m also a chapter scientist and contributing author to the forthcoming IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR1.5, release date October 2018), where I was in charge of compiling and vetting a database of IAM scenarios. This scenario collection formed a key part of the analysis of the SR1.5, and the data together with all analysis and figure generation notebooks will be released together with the full report to increase transparency of the underlying assessment.

Before joining IIASA, I was a PostDoc at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, working on market equilibria in binary non-cooperative games - which, as everybody knows, do not exist - pretty futile exercise. Before that, I got my PhD at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) in Berlin working on crude oil and OPEC market power.