Towards sector integration and a fully decarbonised energy system, the depiction of transport activities in energy system modelling becomes increasingly important. This thread is intended to underline the transport sector’s importance and collect corresponding ambitions from open modellers.
The role of transport as major electricity sink and potential source of flexibility for the electricity sector has been discussed in Do-a-thons at Aarhus 2019 and Berlin 2020 earlier. And still, there is some work to do. However, the depiction of transport should go beyond motorised individual transport towards the analysis of all relevant dimensions for mitigation and energy efficiency in the transport sector, namely: Reducing mobility demand, shifting to energy efficient and decarbonised modes, and improving technologies and drivetrains.
As of today, scientific reviews on that topic descibe current methodologies to approach the behaviour affected dimensions in energy modelling mostly as “poorly”. We want to organise a network meeting, start an e-mail list and work on a meta-analysis of transport sector depiction in energy modelling to tackle this accusation. If you have any suggestions or further ideas, feel free to write along or contact me directly.
You are more than welcome to follow this thread for updates.