Vehicle to grid in Oemof

Is there a component to model Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) in Oemof? is possible to realize it by combining available components? Is anyone currently working on something similar?

Hi Matteo,

there has been a similar topic some time ago. You could contact Birgit Schachler from the Reiner Lemoine Institut.

The old examples do not work with the actual version of oemof.solph but the principles are still the same and it is no big problem to adapt the code.

Best, Uwe

Hi Matteo,

We’ve started working on it (it’s a master thesis project I’m supervising). It would be nice to collaborate. The idea is based on a simulation model (in GLPK) I did some years ago at the University of Pavia (EVLS model). The framework must be improved - since it’s not correct to consider an aggregate of batteries - but we have some ideas to try out

Thanks Uwe, this seems interesting.

Hi Fabrizio, Thanks. Yes, that would be great

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Hi Matteo, hi everyone,

we implemented a battery-electric-vehicle-class in the model oemoflex which includes vehicle-to-grid ( It is a facade class (as an addon to the facades that exist in oemof.tabular and it wraps a GenericStorage.

Hope that helps!

Dear @jann.launer, Thanks a lot for your comment and code. We’ll try to implement it and let you know.
Best, Matteo