From GIS to pandapower / PyPSA for power flow calculations

Hi everyone,

I haven’t been active here for a while, so a small introduction upfront:
My name is Sascha and I am a research assistant working at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne. I work on my PhD in cooperation with the University of Cologne. I focus on flexibility in distribution grids and local flexibility markets.

I am currently working with GIS-data containing the grid information of one of our project partners. Unfortunately, they have no software yet to perform power flow analysis. As I have been working with pandapower and pypsa before, I tried to find a way to convert the data to be able to perform the task with one of the two packages (preferably pandapower as it is distribution grid data). However, I haven’t found any starting point to perform this task. Closest are probably the PyPSA-EU and Earth projects, but they seem to be specific to openstreetmap data.

Before starting to code this by myself, I figured I’d ask if anyone here had a similar task before (and maybe a solution?) or if there is/are people interested in working on something like this together?

Looking forward to the discussion.



Hi @sbirk

Have you had contact with the electricity market community based in Berlin?

Did you see this 2019 openmod do‑a‑thon on distribution level flexibility and subsequent events?

You are correct that PyPSA‑Eur is strongly reliant on OpenStreetMap data and derived projects that seek to characterize energy system assets. More here on infrastructure interpretation.

Perhaps HELMpy on GitHub has something to offer?

This more recent work at PIK in Potsdam also:

  • Hellmann, Frank (29 August 2024). [Op]en [Po]wer [Dyn]amics — Presentation. Potsdam, Germany: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). OpPoDyn First Workshop.

And the associated openmod posting.

Finally, this aging paper might provide some clues:


Hi @robbie.morrison

Thanks for your quick response. I have not yet reached out to Strommarkttreffen. They seem to be more into market related questions and less into technical modelling, at least less than the openmod community. But I may give it a try.

The do-a-thon is related to open ding0 if I am not mistaken. As far as I know, they also focus on creating synthetic grids from OpenStreetMap. But I will have another look.

Thanks for the other links as well! From a first glance, they are not quite covering the GIS to power flow topic directly, but maybe I find some helpful hints.

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@sbirk, just use PyPSA or Pandapower as a framework. For your case, there will be no ready-to-use model available (model, meaning framework+data). You can start by looking at the framework’s examples, which are kind of self-explaining.

Pandapower focuses more on power flow-related functionalities, but once, e.g. integer capacity expansion becomes relevant, PyPSA will be a good choice. There is also some interoperability between those tools. Contributions to improve the interoperability is welcome (more: PyPSA and the CIM CGMES - does it make sense to go down this road? - #2 by MaxParzen)

Here is a good introduction course that might help you find and map data: Welcome — Data Science for Energy System Modelling

Good luck!

Thanks @MaxParzen, those resources look helpful!

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