10 years of power networks cartography Talk during State of the map Europe 2023 conference

Dear all,

I’ll be pleased to give a talk about power infrastructure mapping in OpenStreetMap during the State of the Map Europe Conference next November, 12, 2:30pm CET.

The point is to give insights of what has been done in the past 10 years in several fields of open modeling of physical infrastructures in OpenStreetMap project and views of what remains to be done in coming years.

OpenStreetMap isn’t directly involved in power networks operations but contributes to third parties information and network operators knowledge by providing static inventory of physical networks.
Energy transition needs a new set of practices to be implemented by a large diversity of actors and open data, open modelisation are key features for a quick adoption and finally get results.

The conference will be held at BluePoint in Antwerp and online as well, both live and recorded.

It could be a good opportunity to meet and share there if you’re around.

Best regards


Dear all

Here are the slides of this talk, waiting for the replay to be online in coming weeks.

OpenMod is mentioned as a possible community to connect with in the last part.

Best regards


Dear all,

here you go finally for the replay

Enjoy your weekend

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