Energy System Modeling at NUTS2 Level with High Spatial Resolution Data
Genre: break‑out‑group
Title: High Spatial Resolution and Energy System Modelling at NUTS Level2 or higher
Europe has sub-national regions where countries are divided under a high spatial resolution. This resolution is categorized under NUTS level regions (see: List of NUTS regions in the European Union by GDP - Wikipedia). Within the iDesignRES project led by NTNU, energy system modeling at NUTS level 2 takes place. We are therefore interested in experiences and practices in this regard.
This break-out session aims to:
Discuss the challenges and opportunities of energy system modelling at the NUTS2 level in the context of Long-term optimization
Explore and discuss methodologies for integrating high-resolution spatial data into energy models, including multiple energy carriers and sectors
Share best practices and open-source tools for using and improving spatial data granularity in energy system analyses, specifically with aggregation and disaggregation techniques
Foster collaboration between researchers and practitioners working on high resolution energy system data and modelling
Key Topics:
- Modelling at the NUTS2 Level:
Data availability and quality at the regional scale
Case studies and practical applications in European energy planning
- High-Resolution Data Integration:
- Handling large datasets for spatially detailed energy system models
- Tools and Open-Source Solutions
Format and Participation:
Short introductory presentation on iDesignRES and its energy system modelling
Open discussion on challenges, solutions, and ongoing research in the field
Networking opportunities for potential collaborations
Being one of the largest EU projects on energy system modelling and optimisation, iDesignRES is dedicated to accelerating the understanding of the insights of energy system analyses. Our objectives focus on developing optimised open-source tools for comprehensive energy system modelling (representing long term planning and short-term operations), and on creating dynamic multi-physics models. More information: About – idesignres
Optional link to the code repository: