Openmod 2025: announcement, concept and agenda 25-26 March 2025

Dear openmodders:

On behalf of the KTH organising committee, I am pleased to invite you to KTH Royal Institute of Technology for 13th Open Energy Modelling Workshop on 25–26 March 2025.

At KTH division of Energy Systems, we have a history of working inclusively with researchers and modellers in low and middle-income countries (LMIC), conducting capacity building on model use and development and conducting research outside of Europe in regions where data is scarce, poor quality and often not open. As we are hosting this year, we thought to bring this topic to the agenda of openmod 2025 to challenge you so that you can share your experiences working in similar (or quite different) contexts. That said, in the spirit of inclusiveness, we also welcome more traditional open-energy-modelling contributions!

Applications to attend the workshop open 31st January 2025 and run until 28th February 2025.

Concept: Promoting open and inclusive energy modelling

Addressing the complex challenges of climate mitigation and adaptation, alongside the wicked problems inherent in energy systems, demands transdisciplinary and co-creative modelling support. As a community of energy modellers, we must balance the need to retain disciplinary expertise while embracing collaboration across disciplines.

We invite contributions that explore ways to expand the inclusiveness and impact of open energy modelling without compromising technical rigour. These may include describing tools, methods, and experiences that foster broader participation, such as model comparison, benchmarking, and model coupling to integrate insights from diverse disciplinary perspectives.

Inclusiveness, in this context, extends to:

  • Groups with physical barriers to modelling participation.
  • Practitioners with tangential expertise who may be users of model outcomes.
  • New modellers, particularly from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and underrepresented regions.
  • Stakeholders across sectors, including academia, industry, and government.

We welcome submissions showcasing methodological innovation, capacity building, and collaborative approaches advancing open and impactful energy modelling. Join us in shaping a more diverse and effective modelling community equipped to tackle global sustainability challenges.

Call for Participation

We call for lightning talks, posters, break-outs (do-a-thon sessions and tutorials) on the following themes:

  • Open practices and tools for high-resolution and high computational effort modelling
    • Best practices for efficient, accessible and inclusive code;
    • Good modelling practices (such as the proper choice of units to avoid scaling problems);
    • Coding for concurrency and parallel execution;
    • Automated workflows;
  • Addressing data scarcity in LMICs applications
    • Gathering data points for rural and broken datasets
    • Novel (and open) approaches to data collection, data quality and management
  • Collaborative modelling
    • Co-creating models and data with people from lower and middle-income countries;
    • Diversification of participants and expertise;
    • Model intercomparison, coupling and benchmarking exercises working across methods, tools and disciplines
  • Moving towards inclusive energy modelling
    • Designing trainings and workshops also to overcome physical barriers (e.g. for visually impaired);
    • How to run days-long computationally intensive calculations in systems with blackouts and internet breaks;
    • Bridging the gap between the Euro-centric understanding of modelling challenges faced in LMICs, and capacity gaps in LMICs

Lightning talks: A lightning talk is a very short presentation of your topic in (strictly less than) 4 minutes . The aim is to provide some key information to the community or introduce your work to provoke informal discussions later on.

Breakout groups: A breakout group is a session of 1.5–3.0 hours dedicated to a particular topic. It can take several forms including tutorials, do-a-thons, etc. Feel free to propose your own format!

You are also welcome to suggest a short social activity alongside the event — typically before the first-morning slot or at the end of the day. This can include, for instance, meditation, stretching, walking, debating, etc. please get in touch with us!

Publication of contents on the forum

Please note that your content must carry a CC‑BY‑4.0 license to be uploaded to the forum for distribution.


Venue: Division of Energy Systems, Department of Energy Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Date of the workshop: March 25-26th, 2025
Expected attendance: 60 (venue and capacity to be reviewed based on demand and available budget)

Agenda (TBC)

Day 1

Start End Description
09:30 10:00 Opening and icebreaking activity
10:00 10:45 Plenary presentations
10:45 12:00 Lightening Talks
12:00 13:00 Lunch
13:00 16:00 Do-a-thons/tutorials – parallel session 1  
16:00 19:00 Optional side-event or site-visit (TBC)
19:00 Dinner

Day 2

Start End Description
9:30 10:30 Opening and recap on Day 1
10:30 12:00 Do-a-thons – parallel session 3  
13:00 15:30 Do-a-thons – parallel session 4
15:30 16:00 Plenary – Closure

Day 1 Dinner

Restaurant Hermans Trädgårdscafe is reserved for 60 people on Tuesday the 25th of March at 19:00. The menu is a Vegan buffet and the cost will be 275 kr for adults and 189 kr for students (bring your student ID).

There’s a great view over central Stockholm from the restaurant, which is a 10-minute walk from Slussen station.

Accommodation options

Name Notes
Elite Hotel Arcadia * 5 minute walk to KTH (closest to seminar venue) * 4 star hotel with 90 rooms * Suites and apartment style available
Best Western at 108 * 10 minute walk to KTH * 4 star hotel with standard style rooms
Hotel Birger Jarl * 10 minute walk to KTH * 4 star hotel with 271 modern rooms and suites with gym onsite * Suites and family style room available
Scandic Park * 12 minute walk to KTH * 4 star with modern and spacious rooms and suites near Humlegården * Walking distance to Östermalmstorg T-Bana station
Scandic Anglais * 15 minute walk to KTH * Next to Östermalmstorg T-Bana station * 4 star with modern spacious rooms and suites
Rex Petit * 10 minutes to walk to KTH * Budget option, 22 rooms at the Rex Petit are double rooms with comfortable and spacious bunk beds

Please note that this forum will be used for organizing purposes. You will therefore need an account on this forum to register for the KTH event and to engage with the planning. And if you wish to use a non‑institutional email address, there will also be a confirmation loop to ensure you are a genuine applicant. That process may take a day or two, so please allow some time.


Applications to attend the workshop are now open and run until 28th February 2025.