Do-a-thon PowerDynamics.jl

I would like to suggest a do-athon for PowerDynamics.jl [1].
It is a framework for dynamic/ transient stability analysis of grid frequency and voltage.
Since the framework is pretty much set I would like to invite dynamic grid modellers for suggestion of improvement and form break-out-groups for specific topics that seem most relevant or doable in the do-a-thon format. One idea could be to implement different grid component (e.g. a certain inverter or load type) together or brainstorm on good ways how to implement good tutorials. Another option would be to work on interfacing PowerDynamics.jl with optimal power flow OS-frameworks so that it is possible to build a network model (data structures) e.g. in PowerSystems.jl [2] or EnergyModels.jl [3] (from PyPSA’s developers), then add dynamic parameters and run PowerDynamics.jl. I am looking forward to your ideas!



I’d be very supportive of integrating (or designing the integration) PowerSystems.jl and PowerDynamics.jl
Additionally, we have PowerSimulations.jl [4] which leverages an integration with PowerModels.jl [5] to enable production cost modeling (UC/ED) simulations with any published formulation of power flow. Integration of PowerDynamics.jl has been a topic of discussion on our team and would be incredibly useful. Unfortunately, I’m not yet able to commit to attending the Aarhus workshop, but I’ll do my best to attend or send a suitable representative.


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Dear Clayton,
thanks a lot for your positive feedback. The Aarhus-Workshop would be a nice opportunity for a kick-off meeting starting the integration process. If you are interested, I would also suggest to start an exchange apart from (maybe also prior to) this workshop so we can best prepare a discussion.

@Sabine_elena @claytonpbarrows This forum is good place for such dialog, if you don’t mind chatting in public, that is.

(Also useful to use the @‑handles in postings. That person will get an email notification by default. And we admins can more easily anonymize identities when a user requests deletion. Thanks.)

@Sabine_elena, that sounds good. I should be able to make a bit of time over the next couple weeks to look into PowerDynamics.jl and the associated data structures. Once I get a chance to take a look, I’ll start to develop an outline to describe the required extensions of PowerSystems.jl to enable the data needed for PowerDynamics.jl.

@claytonpbarrows That sounds great! I will also have a deeper look into PowerSystems.jl as well as into PowerSimulations.jl and develop my own thoughts on the extensions.
@robbie.morrison: Thanks for the reminder! Of course, as far as it is practical I agree to using the forum for our dialogue.

@Sabine_elena and @robbie.morrison in addition to this thread (probably best for specifics around what we should do before/during/after the Aarhaus event), we have a gitter channel setup for discussions relating to some of the technical details surrounding PowerSimulations.jl.

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@claytonpbarrows: Thanks a lot for the link and I added @jan.lisse to this discussion since he is the software developer in our team.

Since i will run the Do-a-thon on behalf of @Sabine_elena i would like to further discuss the possible
focus of the Do-a-thon. From our side i want to give a short overview of ongoing changes and upcoming developments around PowerDynamics. I also would like to openly discuss bridging static and dynamic models and frameworks. A part of this discussion also relates to this
For importing static network data it would be beneficial for PowerDynamics to leverage PowerSystems’ parsing capabilities and data structures.
Therefore it would be interesting to know if any of the PowerSystem developers is planning to attend the Do-a-thon. @claytonpbarrows maybe you can tell?
Besides that i am open to any other topics of interest around PowerDynamics!

@jan.lisse I’ll plan to attend the PowerDynamics.jl Wed 13:00-15:00, and the Energy Systems Optimization in Julia Thurs 13:00-15:00 do-a-thons. I’m confident that I can speak to most of the development challanges of PowerSystems.jl.

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@claytonpbarrows: That is great news. Do you already have Do-a-thon related topics regarding PowerDynamics from your side? Otherwise, see you in Aarhus!

@jan.lisse my principal goal with regards to the do-a-thon is to understand how to integrate PowerDynamics.jl with PowerSystems.jl and PowerSimulations.jl. I had intended to architect a proposed solution before the event, but that’s looking increasingly unlikely. So, a reasonable goal for the do-a-thon might be a rough integration design. What do you think?

@claytonpbarrows That sounds like a desirable goal. I already had a look at PowerSystems.jl.
Regarding PowerSimulations.jl are there any usage examples out there? Or is it best to study the source code directly?

There are a couple basic examples in our NREL-SIIP/Examples repo. I’ll be adding a few more over the next week, but I think that’s a reasonable starting point.
Please make suggestions if you would like to see an example of something specific.

@claytonpbarrows Thank you, that is very helpful!