Voltage, Current, Pressure, and Flow Velocity Limits in Optimization Models

Hi @AhmadAlHariri,

The problem is that you want to optimise power and P = U \times I or P \propto p \times \omega . So, having constraints for voltage and current will result in a quadratic problem. This is not directly possible in solph. For heat, I summarised a possible approach in [2012.12664v1] Simultaneous optimisation of temperature and energy in linear energy system models (arxiv.org).

For your case, something analogue would be possible. For example, having discrete pressure or levels voltage levels that then have a constrained power that is calculated using the maximum current or velocity. If you want to avoid mixed integer constraints, you can relax the constraint that allows only one voltage or pressure in the same spirit as @pierre-haessig sketched it for exclusive charging or discharging of a battery.