Starting an open energy journal

At the workshop in Milan in October 2016 we discussed the possibility to start an open energy journal. Here were the main points we mentioned (wiki-editable):

Main features of journal

  • All articles are open access (preferably CC)
  • All research results are based on publicly accessible data and code (preferably open licence)
  • High scientific quality (guaranteed by reputation of editors and editorial board, to distinguish from spam open journals)
  • Non-profit (hopefully running costs could be covered by donations, otherwise small fee for article processing)

Other journals from other fields to serve as model

Necessary steps to form a journal

  • clearly-defined topics
  • reputable editor-in-chief, editors and editorial board
  • journal name
  • journal website
  • software to handle the processing of papers and referee reports etc.
  • formal aspects like ISSN, DOIs
  • perhaps the hardest bit: getting it recognised by university hiring committees, Scopus, Web of Science and other indices

These steps are expanded below.

Topics of the journal (please add suggestions)

Similar to Energy/Applied Energy /Renewable Energy/Energy Policy/Energy Journal

  • energy system modelling
  • power system modelling
  • energy economics
  • energy policy
  • energy model descriptions
  • energy data descriptions

Potential professors for editorial board

Potential criteria: known to support open science, at least 5 publications in existing competitor journals (see above), (full?) professor? (possibly difficult for UK where professorship comes later in career)

Rather than putting names online, please email suggestions to @tom_brown.

Journal name suggestions

  • Open Energy (simple, descriptive, short)
  • Open Energy Journal (simple, descriptive, short)


Other issues

Is it worth starting a new journal given the decision of the EU that all research should be accessible in future?
=> the formulation is too weak to be sure that this will be implemented.

Alternative: not all papers are completely open; those which do not want open access or do not publish open data/code have to pay a publication fee (which can be a part of the financing of the journal)

Alternative model: example of SCOAP3 - selection of libraries pay for all papers in a given journal to be open access; no costs for authors

Separate project:
reviewed Datasets with DOI; you can have DOIs for Datasets from “Zenodo” but this Data is not (peer) reviewed.
=> ToDo: ask climate modellers if their Datasets are reviewed and if they are reviewed - how it works

References/Background reading


Another editorial board in mathematics rebels and goes open access: