I built an electricity energysystem with 6 busses with oemof. Every bus has an easy input. And bus 1 is connected to bus 2 in both direction (2 transformsers). Bus 2 is connected to bus 3 on the same way. …. bus 6 is connected to bus 1. So it is a ring structure. Every bus has a sink.
The bus 1 is also connected with a gas bus by an gas power plant. The gas bus has 1 input with energy.
Now I started to connect one demand on bus 1 with 8760 time steps (one year). I let the program solve the flow of every object in this energysystem. I got the solution after 40 seconds.
But my goal is to solve the problem with more demands in the system. So I integrated a second demand on bus 2. Now the calculation time was about 3 minutes. With an third demand on bus 3 the calculation time was 15 minutes. And with a demand at every bus, it takes more than 40min.
My processor is an i5 4670K 3.4 GHz.
My problem is: Why the CBC solver needs so much time to solve the problem with more demands in the energysystem? Is there any reason?
Do you now how the solver exactly works? I couldn’t find any answer
With one demand in the system:
128382 Obj 1.6384541e+013 Primal inf 6.0004356e+008 (5) Dual inf 2.5973983e-006 (1)
Primal infeasible - objective value 1.6384541e+013
PrimalInfeasible objective 1.638454066e+013 - 128382 iterations time 36.552
With two demands in the system:
155933 Obj 1.1686988e+014 Primal inf 3.7517663e+010 (20494)
Primal infeasible - objective value 1.1686988e+014
PrimalInfeasible objective 1.16869879e+014 - 155933 iterations time 1728.062