Radboud Summerschool 'Advances in Environmental Life Cycle Modelling' [LCA/physical IO] (August 2018, deadline 1 June)

It might be a little bit off-topic, but as there are “hybrid” modellers as well (ex: extending energy models/assessments to material impact, …), some of you might be interested in this summer school of Radboud University on advances in environmental life cycle modelling, given by a team from NTNU/Radboud (Richard Wood, Anders Strømman, Rosalie van Zelm, Mark Huijbregts, Francesca Verones, Zoran Steinmann) working on industrial ecology and physical input-output/LCA assessments.

I will be participating, would be nice to see some energy modellers as well!

Interesting, There’s a general disconnect between those who do inventory and the ones doing impact assessment methods or even LCA software. To the point that methods are not “implemented” in the same way, and the same process can have different impacts depending on the software used The workshop sounds interesting and the team is very well known in the field. Alas, I will be at the other side of the Atlantic.

PS: (I am working on the integration of a energy system model with LCA using (at least for the LCA part) a opensource framework)

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Cool. I am working on a similar model, but applied to renewable energy infrastructure. I focused first on physical input-output methods and (macro) recycling indicators, structure and datasets, but I hope to get a good grasp of the LCA combination during this course (after a short introductory course during my environmental engineering studies, which needs a good update…) Exciting topics! If you want I can keep you updated about the content!

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