Pv capacity is equal to the max capacity

Hello I have a question why my PV capacity is equal to the Max capacity, I have normalized pv data 15 min interval created by pvlib . The data compared to pv output from renewable ninja are similar. (it is normalized so the unit KW/KW ), and all my other demand are in KWH.

input_data_1 = pd.read_csv(base_path + '/input_data_1.csv', index_col=0) #, nrows=1000)
input_data_2 = pd.read_csv(base_path + '/input_data_2.csv', index_col=0) # nrows=1000)
input_data_3 = pd.read_csv(base_path + '/input_data_3.csv', index_col=0) # nrows=1000)
input_data_1.index = pd.date_range(start='2022-01-01', periods=len(input_data_1), freq='15min')
input_data_2.index = pd.date_range(start='2022-01-01', periods=len(input_data_2), freq='15min')
input_data_3.index = pd.date_range(start='2022-01-01', periods=len(input_data_3), freq='15min')
capex_pv = 1850. kW/€
capex_hp = 1000. kW/€
capex_el_storage = 680. kW/€
capex_heat_storage = 305. kW/€
capex_EB = 21.kW/€
el_grid_import = 0.342 * 4 kW/€ (it s usually kwh/€ )
el_grid_export = -0.08 * 4
heat_grid_import = 0.1239* 4
heat_grid_export = 0, 

pv_1 = Source(label='pv_1',
    outputs={electricity_bus_1: Flow(fix=input_data_1['pv'],
        ep_costs=economics.annuity(capex=capex_pv, n=25,

I would appreciate any help: why my PV capacity is always equal to the max capacity( I tried smaller capacity too it didn’t work )

Hi @Amira.h,

I assume that having PV is profitable in your system even without demand that is to be covered. Thus, the optimiser will always choose the maximum possible. This might be just because you have accidentally given quadrupled energy prices or because it is really profitable. (solph adjusts the unit to the time index for you. Thus, you get 32 ct/kWh in your model.)

(For readability, please note that you can use “```” to start and end code blocks.)


I just added a ``` code block under admin rights. Although there are probably comments that need “#” chars still. R