The project REEEM organises the “Energy Modelling Forum - Europe (EMP-E)” at the EC headquarter in Brussels. Do we want to be present with a openmod-poster in the networking space of the forum?
Hi Berit. Can you give some more details, such as the date? Neither the REEEM website or google yielded any useful clues. My first reaction is that we should do this, given sufficient lead time. Some questions though:
- when is the event?
- can we produce something useful and agree within the timeframe?
- is the poster to be printed A0 and what would be the cost (€30)?
I suggest Inkscape (0.92 or better), or failing that LibreOffice Impress, for preparing posters. Finally, the abbreviation should be EMF-E? Even with this, google did not reveal anything useful.
sorry Robbie, I didn’t activate an alert function yet for new posts…
look at:
Yes posters should be A0
Hello Berit, all. Some points of information:
- the date is 17–18 May 2017
- the correct abbreviation is indeed EMP-E = Energy Modelling Platform for Europe
- the program is available here
We should go ahead in my view. I am happy to do the graphics in Inkscape and forward a font-safe PDF. Under a CC BY 4.0 license in my name and anyone else who contributes. Is that okay?
But we all need to help with the content. Can you give an outline of what points to cover? There is some material already on the openmod website and on the Wikipedia page.
Thanks Robbie, I’ll help.
What you think about a small breakout group to make it?
Hi Berit, I assume that you will print the poster and take it to Brussels for display.
If we make a breakout group for this exercise in Frankfurt, then the topic needs to be more general: covering outreach activities across the board and how we wish to portray ourselves.
I agree (more general subject in the breakout group)
and at the moment there are still places for the EMP-E. if someone from openmod wants to come along to present openmod in the networking space it would be good. But there is no financiation for it. We would take over the poster printing.
as for now I didn’t create a breakout group for it but added it as a comment to the paper-writing group. we will wait for the outcome of the discussion and maybe create the group “on-site” in Ffm
Hi all / here is some context for the poster, comments welcome / Robbie
- outreach poster
- scientific audience
- general message: what is openmod, what does it do, how to become involved
- British English
Technical / PDF version for print shop
- size = A0 portrait
- PDF version = 1.5
- color space (two versions supplied) = RGB (inkscape export) and CMYK (ghostscript conversion)
- text = convert to paths (instead of embedding fonts)
- transparency (alpha-channel < 255) = only if necessary
- copyright = Robbie Morrison
- license = Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
The license is in my name because openmod cannot hold intellectual property. openmod would need to be a registered charity (United Kingdom) or Eingetragener Verein (Germany) or similar to do so.
Hello again / here is some starting text for the poster, again comments welcome and this post is now editable / Robbie
Improving energy modelling : the openmod initiative
Open Energy Modelling Initiative
Poster by Robbie Morrison (xy), person x (…), person y (…),…
Beginning as a mailing list in October 2014, the openmod initiative is building a grass roots community of energy system modellers promoting open source, open data, and open science. Our focus is Europe, but modellers from anywhere in the world can and do participate.
A key motivation is to open up energy models to increase transparency, and improve quality and credibility, leading to better research and policy advice.
A key motivation is the contribution that open modelling practices can make to robust and more consensual energy policy development, be it municipal, national, or supra-national.
<open modelling supply chain diagram>
The open modelling supply chain
The openmod initiative develops and uses different modules that form the Open Energy Platform:
The OEP logo
- Website
- Collaborative Wiki
- Public mailing list
- Internet forum
- OpenEnergy Database (oedb)
- Factsheets for Frameworks, Models and Scenarios
- GitHub repository
The wiki maintains a list of open energy system modelling projects and open energy system database projects. It also offers background and advice on open licensing and open publishing. The public mailing list and internet forum provide channels for news and discussion.
<cute photo>
Caption to be determined
The openmod initiative organizes two workshops per year, attended primarily by postgrads and postdocs. The focus is on model development, energy databases, and software skills. These workshops typically attract 60 participants.
The following issues are currently being tackled by the initiative:
- legal matters relating to open code, open data, and open database projects
- good practice in open source projects
- barriers to developing open projects and potential solutions and work-arounds
- development and improvements of open source energy system models
We invite you to join us.
Simply join by signing up to our mailing list and our other services. There is no application process or membership fee. As of March 2017, our mailing list serves 230 people.
Dear Robbie,
thanks for the draft. Do you want comments in this thread or can we move the text where we can participate directly (doc, pad, git)?
Hi all - can changes be made visible? I added small things…
Hi Ludwig
The above posting is editable (a so-called wiki post) and Discourse keeps an edit history (accessible through the pencil icon in the top right). So, on the assumption that there will not be many comments, keeping the draft here seems sensible. However I am open to shifting to GitHub if that would provide more functionality.
I had not given it any thought, but the Inkscape (vector graphics editor) SVG file could be hosted on GitHub. That makes quite a lot of sense but people would have to use the current 0.92 version. Otherwise the underling SVG will become scrambled because of earlier bugs. Does anyone use Inkscape (which I rather like)?
any thoughts, cheers, Robbie
Thanks for the fast reply.
I’m always hesitant about editing others posts, but we can try it.
Changes can be seen in the history (small icon on top of the post) @berit.mueller
When we finish the draft and start the layout we can move to GitHub. I use Inkscape, will make sure to follow your version suggestion.
Hello Ludwig, all
Inkscape 0.92 has not yet made its way to the Debian package system. Here are two methods for upgrading:
- PPA method (the method I favored)
$ sudo add-apt-repository
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install inkscape
$ inkscape --version
- snap method (uses old look interface) / snap is a distribution-independent way of installing software on Linux / can also change priority of
$ sudo snap install inkscape
$ /snap/bin/inkscape --version # note the dedicated path
$ sudo snap remove inkscape # removal command
Update: Ubuntu 17.04, released mid-April 2017, now bundles Inkscape 0.92.1.
Here is a development of the <open modelling supply chain diagram> for inclusion in the poster. Comments welcome.
One improvement: public process → public consultation (now added to new version of the graphic).
Also added: language and toolchain / open platform
Eva Schmid drew the original diagram (as I just learnt).
Hi Robbie,
I think if you mention the licensing for the data it should also be mentioned for the code and the results (we called it “artworks” but I don’t know if it is the proper term for diagrams, etc.)
Hi Berit / The issue I was trying to get across is that open modelers control the licenses that they employ, whereas seeking open licensing for official information is an act of advocacy. / With regard to artworks, just “the work” is sufficient, if you don’t wish to be more specific.
Discussions also being conducted on the openmod email list under the subject header:
- [openmod-initiative] openmod OEP–E poster and OpenEnergy Platform relationship
Note that OEP–E above is a typo and should read EMP–E.
The poster and an accompanying two-slide presentation are now available from our mailing list. I cannot upload the PDF files to this forum, otherwise I would have left them here. The direct links are: poster and presentation (I am guessing that these links will work for other people, otherwise go thru the mailing list interface).