PhD/Postdoc on infrastructure investment for climate neutrality under uncertainty

What energy infrastructure do we need to reach climate neutrality? What will be robust against uncertainty (direct versus indirect electrification, industry relocation, technology availability, etc.)? How will power, hydrogen and carbon dioxide grid expansion be coordinated?

If all that sounds interesting, please consider applying for a new position in our department at TU Berlin:

Suitable for: Aspiring PhD student or postdoc

Duration: 3-year position

Application deadline: 15.09.2023

Start date: as soon as possible

More information: In this project you will explore robust strategies
for reaching climate neutrality in Germany. With detailed models of
German energy infrastructure, you will determine what kinds of
investments are cost-effective across a wide range of uncertain futures,
including the development of new technologies, different fuel and
investment costs, import volumes of synthetic fuels, expansion rates of
power grids, weather conditions and other factors. The interplay of
electricity, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and synthetic fuel infrastructures
with industrial production facilities both domestically and abroad will
be in focus. The goal is to draw robust policy conclusions for the
further development of German’s energy transition.

The position is part of the continuation of the research consortium
project Ariadne, which is part of the Kopernikus projects for a
climate-neutral Germany in 2045. In this position, you will have the
opportunity to collaborate with some of the leading institutes on the
energy transition in the German research landscape. Modelling is carried
out exclusively with open-source code in the modelling framework “Python
for Power System Analysis” (PyPSA) and with open data based on the
European model PyPSA-Eur. The working language of the project is German.


Please get in touch if you have any questions!

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