Re‑posting with permission from @tom_brown
Here is a fun open PhD position with a tight deadline — this Sunday 15 January 2023.
It will bring together a thus-far closed model LUT-ESTM and open model PyPSA-Eur-Sec with goals to:
- understanding the European energy industry transition in the global context
- raising the level of detail to more than 100 local regions in Europe
- focusing on the Nordics within the European context
- investigating inter‑annual balancing effects
- assessing energy transition options in a broader economic perspective and value creation
- supporting the publishing of LUT-ESTM in open source
Apply here:
Supervision is joint between:
- LUT, Finland
- TU Berlin, Germany
- Aarhus University, Denmark
Some additional background:
Breyer, Christian (2021). LUT Energy System Transition Model: brief overview — Presentation. Lappeenranta, Lahti, Finland: LUT University.
Brown, Tom (28 October 2022). Open energy modelling: discussion and examples from PyPSA modelling for Europe. Berlin, Germany: Technical University of Berlin. YouTube video. Duration 00:21:09.