Open-source project in European energy planning in collaboration with ENTSO-E

A new open-source innovation project is announced in collaboration with ENTSO-E, which aims to develop a PyPSA-based energy planning toolbox. This will enhance transparency, flexibility, and reproducibility in the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) process, with a focus on Scenario Building and Cost-Benefit Analysis.

The project is led by Open Energy Transition, and we have already held the first two workshops to gather insights into the technical requirements and aspirations of transmission system operators and ENTSO-E. Part of the project will also include training. This is not only time transmission system operators use open-source tools, but it is a high-level, high-impact project!

Read more on OET’s LinkedIn or in the announcement by ENTSO-E.

If you have thoughts or input, please let me know - either me or one of my colleagues would be delighted hear from other experts.