Open publishing / SDEWES Conference

Hi everyone,

I’m relatively new to the openmod community, but some of you may know me from the last workshop held in München. So the get started, I’m PhD student at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. My PhD is related to flexibility requirements in modern electricity systems which is the main reason why I’m dealing with the optimization problems on a daily basis. I’m also one of the organizers of the SDEWES conferences which is the reason why i wanted to invite you all as a community to maybe organize one or more special sessions under the name openmod (or energy planning if you do not want to get directly involved) where we could present our work. Some of you may already know that this conference is great opportunity to get invited into high profile journals from around the world such as Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy, Energy etc. which have special issues dedicated to the SDEWES conferences. Even though i know that most of you do not support Elsevier as publishing platform there are still some requirements from our research institutes or universities to do some publishing in order to achieve some kind of career advancement.

SDEWES Center is also established under the idea of open data and also supports open access through its journal JSDEWES. I personally think that you might be interested in JSDEWES since it finally got into the scopus and is expected to get an impact factor somewhere during the late 2018/beginning of 2019. The fee is 250 € and there is also a possibility to get a discount of 150 € if you are a PhD student. Here is the link to the journal so feel free to check:

The next SDEWES conference where we could try to make this idea work will be held in sunny Palermo from 30 September - 4 October. Abstract deadline is 15th of March and the reduced fees are possible till the 10th of April. Here is also the link to the conference so you can check all the details there.

I know that all of this sounds like an advertising, but I would really like to get involved in this community as much as possible since I totally believe in and support the idea behind it. In order to organize the special session we would need at least 10+ archival submissions and presenters. If we get more we could maybe also organize our own workshop / speech or special event to promote the community and spread the idea to other parts of world.

I would really like to know what you think about it. Maybe this is a long shot but for now this is all that i can offer since i still don’t have my energy planning tool ready for public. Maybe if i find enough time i could try to have something finished for the next workshop.

I did not know in which topic to submit this so If this is off-topic feel free to move it.


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Interesting posting @Mqaic. I recategorized this under a newly made “Scientific meetings” label. I think people can represent the openmod at other forums, but they need to get clearance through the mailing list and post their material in advance for scrutiny. Robbie.