Open call to join committee ''Collège Codes sources et logiciels" of French ministry of Education and Research (deadline: 25 july 2024)

Website committee: Ouvrir la Science - Collège Codes sources et logiciels
Website call for applications: Ouvrir la Science - Appel à manifestation d’intérêt – Rejoignez le collège Codes sources et logiciels du Comité pour la science ouverte

Background (free translation from website):
The French ministry is looking for candidates to join the ‘Collège Codes sources et logiciels’, a committee that has the aim to:

  • monitor and provide insight, analysis and advice on current issues relating to source code and software in the context of open science. This advice takes the form of producing notes, recommendations, participating in the publication of collaborative documents, etc. ;
  • initiating, carrying out or managing operational projects, such as, for example: producing guides, studies, surveys, feasibility studies for the development of new functions and services in the field of support for software development and exploitation, etc.

Applications are made on an individual basis and do not constitute a mandate to represent the institution to which they belong. Applications must be sent before 25 July 2024 to