New webinar series starting 8 November: IRENA + Clean Energy Ministerial Campaign on Long-term Energy Scenarios

Dear OpenMod community,

Apologies for cross-posting. Thanks to Berit Müller and Eva Schmid for introducing IRENA to this interesting initiative.

I would like to bring to your attention a new webinar series IRENA is launching in November as part of the Clean Energy Ministerial campaign “Long-term Energy Scenarios (LTES) for the Clean Energy Transition”. On a weekly basis in the coming months, LTES campaign Members (government representatives) and Partners (technical institutions) will share their experience around using energy scenarios, improving energy scenarios, and building capacity in those areas (more detail on the questions to be discussed in each theme can be found further below).

An important undercurrent of the discussions will likely be the role of open data in these processes, and how to better integrate transparency throughout.

More detail on the webinar schedule, presentations, and registration can be found at this link:(

The campaign is being co-led by the German and Danish governments, and this webinar series will see overall participation by high-level practitioners from 11 different governments (Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, the UAE, and the UK) as well as major technical institutions (IEA, IEA ETSAP, EU JRC, CNREC, and JISEA).

The first webinar will be held next Thursday November 8th, featuring presentations by the UK Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy and the UAE Ministry of Energy.

It would be great to have your participation.

For questions, please contact myself and my colleague Asami Miketa at [].

Best regards,

Daniel Russo

The three themes that we aim to cover throughout the LTES webinar series:

1. Using scenarios for decision making: How (in terms of institutional structure) have long-term energy scenarios been used to guide policy making? What are new challenges in this process that have arisen specifically in pursuing clean energy transition?

2. Improving scenarios for the clean energy transition: What are new elements emerging in the clean energy transition that need to be included in long-term scenarios? How successfully do scenarios address these elements, and what are remaining challenges? Are there particular novel approaches to modelling potentially disruptive developments?

3. Identifying approaches to building capacity in governments: Where does modelling capability reside for the development of official government scenarios? What type of technical capability should governments ideally possess to allow for scenario-based planning/policy making? What are institutional relationships between the users of scenarios and developers of scenarios in different contexts?

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Hello @drusso Looks interesting and timely. But we need to be crystal clear that public data is not necessarily open data. Our community has settled on the following touchstone definitions for open data and open access respectively:

My experience is that few government employees have encountered the issue of open licensing. That said, the UK BEIS representative may well be aware of the UK OGL-UK-3.0 license, which is inbound compatible with CC-BY-4.0 and hence completely usable for us:

I would hate these discussions to start off on the wrong track, legally speaking. It is vitally important that energy datasets carry suitable open licenses to make them genuinely open and useful. HTH, R.

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