MVS Tool ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc

Hey everyone,
I’m pretty new to oemof and try to use the multi-vector simulator (MVS-Tool, E-Land).

When I try the mvs_tool -pdf command I get the following warning:
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback.

The simple mvs_tool command runs without an error. Does anyone have a hint for me?

Info: Windows 10, Python 3.9.4, VSCode, MVS V1.0.0 (without any changes to the origin code download)

Thanks in advance for your help!

The mvs_tool is an application based on oemof.solph but maintained by the Reiner Lemoine Institute and not by the oemof community, so you should ask there for help.

Alright, thank you! I will check.