Hello OEMOF-Community,
today I found a bigger issue while modeling my energy system in OEMOF.
I tried to give my Hydrogen-Heater a NonConvex-Minimalvalue of 50, what worked fine till I gave it further parameters of working conditions.
First I added Minimum-Values while driving the power plant of minimum bringing 30% of the installed power - what leads to a 30% minimum load, even if heat isn’t needed.
So I decided to add a further restriction “startup_costs” which is a further NonConvex-Variable, which allows the heater to be started and stoped - what also works well.
Adding this restriction, unfortiunately seems to overwrite my NonConvex-Parameter in the Investment-Optimization and sets my Minimum-Value as lowest value (building no heater → installed power = 0) is not possible any more.
Does anybody know a workaround for that? - at the moment I can not find a solution, which alles both NonConvex-Parameters to work together, altough they are not even in the same operation (one in “invest”, one in “flow”)
Here is my code:
Heizkessel_H2 = solph.components.Converter(
conversion_factors = {bus_wärme3: Kennwerte_Wirkungsgrade_Umwandlungsanlagen['Wirkungsgrad/COP in %'][10]/100}, # th. Wirkungsgrad
inputs={bus_prozessgas_wasserstoff: solph.flows.Flow()}, # Input
outputs={ bus_wärme3: solph.flows.Flow(
existing = 0,
nonconvex= True,
ep_costs= 180/40/aggregation_factor, # Jährliche Kosten je Inst. Einheit in kW, # Jährliche Kosten je Inst. Einheit in kW bei 40 Jahre Lebensdauer
minimum = 50*aggregation_factor, # Mindestanlagengröße
maximum = 1000*aggregation_factor),
min = 0.3,