Hi folks,
@birgit.schachler and me (@Wolf ) would like to give you an introduction to the two tools eTraGo and eDisGo developed in the open_eGo project.
The project open_eGo aims at developing a transparent, cross-grid-level electricity grid planning tool to investigate economic viable grid expansion scenarios considering alternative flexibility options such as storages or redispatch. eTraGo and eDisGo are tools for the optimization of flexibility options and grid expansion for transmission and distribution grids, respectively, based on PyPSA.
The idea is to first give you an overview about the
(20-30 min)
- aims of the project
- Overview of github Repositories and OpenEnergy Platform (oep) and open energy database (oedb) and its API
- spatially highly resolved generation and load data generated for our analysis
- transmission and distribution grid models
(40-70 min)
Afterwards we want to give you hands-on tutorials on how to use eTraGo and eDisGo using jupyter notebooks.
Please be prepared
If you want to follow along and interact with tutorial notebooks we would like to ask you to have everything necessary to run the notebooks installed beforehand. We will soon provide a full installation description.
Download of Jupyter Notebooks Py3.5
At the moment we are still working on the notebooks. Before the 6th of June you will find all notebooks and a full installation guide at this github branch.
Further information:
We are open for any further suggestions and questions.