Dear OpenMod Community,
We are delighted to invite you to attend the “Long-term Energy Scenario (LTES) Campaign: 2019 International Forum”, under the umbrella of the Clean Energy Ministerial Campaign: “Long-term Energy Scenarios (LTES) for the Clean Energy Transition”, organised by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Berlin on 10-12 April 2019.
- The objective of the International Forum is to discuss issues regarding LTES use, development and capacity building to support the clean energy transition. The discussion will be based on the outcomes of the LTES campaign’s first year of activities.
- Drawing on the broad network developed through the campaign, the International Forum will gather experts and stakeholders who use/develop energy scenarios in different settings: government, industry and private sector, academia and technical institutions.
At the Forum, IRENA’s new “Energy Transition Scenario Network” will also be launched.
Planned agenda:
Pre-Forum Day – Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue
Leading technical institutions will present how they represent potential key elements in rapid clean energy transitions. The relevance of such explorative scenarios in policy making will be then discussed with government planners.
10th April 2019
- 14:45 - 16:15: IRENA high-level side event during the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue “Exploring the boundaries of rapid clean energy transition - the role of long-term scenarios”
- 19:00 – 21:00: Evening Reception
Long-term Energy Scenarios Campaign: 2019 International Forum
The Forum will showcase and discuss the most pressing issues and novel approaches in the use and improvement of energy scenarios to guide the clean energy transition. Strategies to build and enhance national capacity for clean energy transition planning will also be identified.
11th April 2019
- Session 1: Opening – Long-term energy scenarios for clean energy transition
- Session 2: Communications around scenarios – How can we make long-term energy scenarios more relevant to policy making under uncertainty?
- Session 3: Going beyond energy systems analysis – How can we make long-term energy scenarios more relevant to climate policy making?
- Session 4: Corporate view on the long-term energy scenarios for clean energy transition
12th April 2019
- Session 5: Insourcing and outsourcing scenario planning capability – How much scenario planning capacity needs to reside with governments?
- Session 6: Launch of the Energy Transition Scenarios Network
Participation in the event is free, but space is limited. Please confirm your participation by registering through the online form.
Pleas contact us at for any question!
Giulia Torri