International ideas competition for a new interdisciplinary centre

Hi all,

this was posted on the Strommarkt mailing list. I think it could be interesting for some of you :slight_smile: It would be great to have an Open Source and Open Data as part of the concept of such a research institution.

From: Jens KREISEL <>
Sent: 10 November 2022 10:17
To: Jens KREISEL <>
Subject: International ideas competition for a new interdisciplinary centre | Un concours d’idĂ©es international pour un nouveau centre interdisciplinaire | Ideenwettbewerb fĂŒr neues interdisziplinĂ€res Zentrum

Dear colleagues,

Today I would like to draw your attention to a new and exciting major initiative in our four-year plan: The establishment of a fourth interdisciplinary centre (IC) at our University. This IC will be dedicated to investigating complex environmental systems. It will form a centerpiece of our strategic key area in sustainable and societal development. Aiming to grow to up to 150 employees within a ten-year period, the new IC is to become an international reference centre. In addition to basic and applied research, it will contribute to academic education, by which Luxembourg aims to attract new talent, as well as knowledge and technology transfer.

Today we are launching an international ideas competition in which the University is inviting outstanding researchers from Luxembourg and around the world to submit their concepts and visions for the development of the centre. The retained idea will shape the centre towards a specific research thematic within the broad area of environmental systems science. The scientists with the most innovative and most convincing ideas will be invited to apply as the founding director of the centre.

The call will be open until 8 January 2023.

More detailed information about the competition as well as a complementary video can be found on this webseite . The press release below will be published soon.

We, the research community, have a key role in advancing sustainable and societal development, one of the greatest challenges of our time. I would be very happy if you could share this call in your networks and thus actively support the University in finding the best applicants and ideas for our new Interdisciplinary Centre.

Thank you very much and best regards,

Jens Kreisel

Chers collĂšgues,

J’aimerais attirer votre attention sur un nouveau et passionnant projet majeur de notre plan quadriennal : La crĂ©ation d’un quatriĂšme centre interdisciplinaire (CI) Ă  notre UniversitĂ©. Ce CI sera consacrĂ© Ă  la recherche sur les systĂšmes environnementaux complexes. Il constituera une des piĂšces maĂźtresses de notre axe stratĂ©gique sur le dĂ©veloppement durable et sociĂ©tal. Le nouveau centre interdisciplinaire, qui devrait compter environ 150 employĂ©s d’ici dix ans, a l’ambition de devenir une rĂ©fĂ©rence internationale du domaine. Outre la recherche fondamentale et appliquĂ©e, ses missions comprendront l’enseignement des futures gĂ©nĂ©rations, l’attraction des meilleurs talents, ainsi que le transfert de connaissances et de technologies.

Aujourd’hui, nous lançons un concours international d’idĂ©es , par lequel l’UniversitĂ© invite d’excellents scientifiques du Luxembourg et du monde entier Ă  soumettre leurs concepts et visions pour le dĂ©veloppement du centre. L’idĂ©e retenue orientera le centre vers un thĂšme de recherche spĂ©cifique dans le vaste domaine de la science des systĂšmes environnementaux. Les porteurs/porteuses de concepts, prĂ©sentant les idĂ©es les plus innovantes, les plus ambitieuses et les plus convaincantes seront invitĂ©.e.s Ă  candidater pour ĂȘtre le directeur fondateur/la directrice fondatrice du centre.

L’appel sera ouvert jusqu’au 8 janvier 2023.

De plus amples informations sur ce concours ainsi qu’une vidĂ©o complĂ©mentaire sont disponibles sur cette page web. Le communiquĂ© de presse ci-dessous sera publiĂ© prochainement.

Nous, la communautĂ© des chercheurs, avons un rĂŽle clĂ© Ă  jouer pour faire progresser le dĂ©veloppement durable et sociĂ©tal, l’un des plus grands dĂ©fis de notre Ă©poque. Je serais trĂšs heureux si vous pouviez partager cet appel dans vos rĂ©seaux et ainsi soutenir activement l’UniversitĂ© dans la recherche des meilleurs candidats et idĂ©es pour notre nouveau centre interdisciplinaire.

Merci beaucoup et meilleures salutations,

Jens Kreisel

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

hiermit möchte ich Sie auf ein neues und besonders spannendes GroÎČprojekt unseres Vierjahresplans aufmerksam machen: Die GrĂŒndung eines vierten interdisziplinĂ€ren Zentrums (IC) an unserer UniversitĂ€t. Dieses IC wird sich der Erforschung komplexer Umweltsysteme widmen und damit eines der KernstĂŒcke unserer Strategie fĂŒr nachhaltige und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung bilden. Mit bis zu 150 BeschĂ€ftigten innerhalb der nĂ€chsten zehn Jahre soll sich dieses neue IC als internationales Referenzzentrum etablieren. Zu seinen Kernaufgaben gehören neben Grundlagen- und angewandter Forschung auch der Beitrag zur akademischen Ausbildung, mit der Luxemburg neue Talente gewinnen will, sowie der Wissens- und Technologietransfer.

Am heutigen Tag starten wir einen internationalen Ideenwettbewerb, in dem unsere UniversitĂ€t herausragende Forscherinnen und Forscher aus Luxemburg und dem Ausland aufruft, ihre Visionen und Konzepte zur Entwicklung dieses Zentrums einzureichen. Das ausgewĂ€hlte Konzept wird das Zentrum auf ein Forschungsthema innerhalb des breiten Bereichs der Umweltsystemwissenschaften ausrichten. Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschafler mit den innovativsten und ĂŒberzeugendsten Konzepten werden eingeladen, sich als GrĂŒndungsdirektor / GrĂŒndungsdirektorin des Zentrums zu bewerben.

Die Ausschreibung ist offen bis zum 8. Januar 2023.

AusfĂŒhrlichere Informationen zu diesem Wettbewerb sowie ein ergĂ€nzendes Video finden Sie auf dieser Webseite . In wenigen Minuten wird zudem die unten stehende Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht.

Wir, die Forschungsgemeinschaft, haben eine SchlĂŒsselrolle bei der Förderung nachhaltiger und gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung, einer der gröÎČten Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Ich wĂŒrde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie diesen Aufruf in Ihren Netzwerken teilen könnten und aktiv daran mitwirken, die besten Bewerber und Ideen fĂŒr unser neues interdisziplinĂ€res Zentrum zu finden.

Vielen Dank und herzliche GrĂŒĂŸe,

Prof. Jens KREISEL
Vice-rector for Research,

Incoming Rector


Campus Belval | Maison du Savoir
2, Avenue de l’UniversitĂ©
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
T +352 46 66 44 9499

Environmental systems and sustainable development

University of Luxembourg launches international ideas competition for new interdisciplinary centre

Esch-sur-Alzette, 10 November 2022 - The University of Luxembourg will establish a new interdisciplinary centre (IC) for researching complex environmental systems. In an ideas competition or “Concours d’idĂ©es”, the University is inviting outstanding researchers from around the world to submit by 8 January 2023 concepts for the development of the centre. The scientists with the most innovative and most convincing ideas will be invited to apply as the founding director of the centre. This new major project is the centrepiece of the focus area ‘Sustainable and Social Development’ – one of the three core research areas of the University, along with ‘Digital Transformation’ and ‘Medicine & Health’.

“In the past several years, Luxemburg has evolved into an attractive research location, with which we can invest in the future, diversify our economy and even drive ecological development,” says Luxembourg’s Minister of Higher Education and Research, Claude Meisch: “In our national research strategy, we have set ourselves the goal of investigating and shaping sustainable issues in direct relation to nature, the environment and the related societal challenges. The Interdisciplinary Centre for Environmental Systems planned by the University of Luxembourg is the right answer to this.”

Aiming to grow to around 150 employees within a ten-year period, the new IC is to become an international reference centre. In addition to basic and applied research, its core tasks will include academic education, by which Luxembourg aims to attract new talent, as well as knowledge and technology transfer. The IC will collaborate with academic institutions and networks of environmental experts from Luxembourg and the rest of the world, linking local priorities with global challenges.

Alongside its researching faculties, the University of Luxembourg has already established three such interdisciplinary centres (IC). In the University’s focus areas, these are the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) for ‘Medicine & Health’ and the Interdisciplinary Centre fĂŒr Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) for ‘Digital Transformation’. A third IC, the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), is dedicated to the contemporary history of Luxembourg and Europe. The aim of all centres is to conduct world-class interdisciplinary research and thereby make relevant contributions to answering urgent questions of humanity.

Two-phase appointment procedure

The task of the founding director of the fourth IC of the University of Luxembourg will be to build the centre up, to run a team that does outstanding research from fundamental concepts to applications, and thus to develop the IC into a centre of excellence for environmental systems with international appeal . In order to appoint an exceptional scientific manager, the University of Luxembourg has launched a two-phase appointment procedure. Phase one is the ideas competition running from November to 8 January 2023. With this competition, the University is calling on internal applicants and external scientists from around the world to submit their concepts for the alignment of the new IC.

An international selection committee of independent experts will evaluate the concept papers. The selection criteria include scientific excellence, international alignment, long-term relevance and the anticipated contribution to Luxembourg’s research and innovation strategies in the area of environmental systems. The committee will first pick the best applicants and ask them to develop fully elaborated proposals for final selection in the second phase. That phase, which will go until June 2023, will be dedicated to the actual process of recruiting the founding director.

“The complex challenges we face today must be addressed through interdisciplinary, systematic and holistic approaches,” emphasises the vice-rector for research and nominated rector of the University, Prof. Jens Kreisel. “The new centre offers us the chance to pursue this vision in the context of the environment, to expand our portfolio and to build up a strong centre. In this way, Luxembourg can actively shape its future and, at the same time, gain international visibility.” Further information at , contact: