How do we get (Energy) Justice into our Models?

  • genre: break‑out‑group
  • title: How do we get (Energy) Justice into our Models?
  • presenter: @mhoffmann
  • description: In previous openmod workshops people exchanged on including societal factors and critical thinking into our research. This time, we want to explore how we can look at issues of justice with our models. For this, we bring the results of a literature review we are currently finalizing, and introduce you to model integration, methods, and indicators. We combine this input session with discussing your attempts to bring justice into your models. As a final step, we plan to split up into groups to develop research ideas based on your interest.
  • background: @mhoffmann researches as a PhD student of the graduate school EnergySystemTransition of the Reiner Lemoine Foundation. She is affiliated with the Reiner Lemoine Institut and FossilExit. I am researching how to integrate justice into energy planning.

To all workshop participants of today: Thank you so much for your active participation :slight_smile:!

This post summarizes the workshop by providing the input presentation and the results of the mentimeter survey.
2024-03-28-OpenMod-Workshop-Input-Part.pdf (851.3 KB)
2023-03-06-Miro-Martha-Hoffmann-OpenMod-Justice-In-Modelling.pdf (2.6 MB)

Please note that the link to the WebApp is intentionally not shared here, as it is work in progress and not intended to be spread more at this stage!

Let me know if you have any questions regarding the workshop. I will upload notes of the breakout groups regarding the paper ideas at a later time.


hi @mhoffmann I work in Berlin at the Green Web Foundation, and I’m interested in learing more about the Literature Review WebApp.

Where should I go to learn more? I’m reachable at chris [at] to chat further, if you’d be interested in following up.

Probably the most common way of adding normative values to models is through duly informed storylines and then on to runnable scenarios.

More specifically, energy justice is often framed as a distributional issue within societies or across nations and thus amenable to mathematical expression.

It would be nice to have a heads‑up on the work being undertaken at the Reiner Lemoine Institute.

Thank you @mrchrisadams and @robbie.morrison for your (continued) interest! We are currently working on finalizing our review paper on justice in energy modelling. Will definitly post something here when the paper is submitted and when the WebApp is open for public use! :slight_smile: