Myself and Johannes Friedrich from the World Resources Institute had a wonderful time engaging with the community at the 2020 Open Mod Workshop in Berlin and presenting the Global Energy Data Commons initiative during our Lightning Talk (Our slides from our Lightning Talk are available here: WRI is seeking to expand upon its Global Power Plant Database with the Global Energy Data Commons, which we are envisioning as a next-generation platform and partnership dedicated to improving data access and interoperability; accelerating user-driven energy data research; and enabling increased evidence-based decision-making and planning.
As part of our Lightning Talk, we had asked participants to fill out a survey to help us build out the GEDC, and we wanted to offer this opportunity to others in the community who weren’t able to attend the Workshop. We are still seeking to learn about data collection and curation efforts from energy data modelers and other potential users as we design the platform in order to better understand lessons learned and clearly identify what value we can add and with whom we should coordinate or partner.
We hope to connect our network with the broader community by:
- Determining what energy data the community is demanding and the outcomes it could drive;
- Learning about efforts we should keep in mind and connect with;
- Get concrete commitments from organizations on what they would contribute;
- Identifying lessons learned and key insights we can use in designing the GEDC
By completing this survey, you are helping us create a stronger platform with which we can engage the entire open energy community. If you are interested and want to help us build a stronger platform, we would appreciate a few minutes of your time completing the survey at
You can also email us directly with any suggestions, if you want to contribute, or just to learn more about our work:
Thank you for your engagement!