Dear OpenModers,
I am working at Reiner Lemoine Institute on the project open_plan, together with Deusche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie (DGS) and Postdam Institut for Climate Impact Research (PIK). One of the goal of the project is to build a bridge enabling stakeholders (engineer buros, municipalities, energy consultants) to use open source energy models to plan energy systems.
A key takeaway form a stakeholder workshop we held was the need to have a GUI for users to interact with the models/model frameworks.
The design of GUIs usually quite varies between projects as it has to adapt to different needs. However, I think we should be able to identify a few structural elements which could be generic enough to be used by more that one project (a way to graphically draw a network of energy system components to define an energy system model for example).
GUIs are often quite good for commercial tools because there is money to pay the people working on them. I have the impression that the GUIs are lacking for open source energy models because there is not enough resources explicitly dedicated to them in the research projects.
I think a nice way to overcome that problem would be to work on it together as a community and I was wondering if some of you were willing to share resources/experiences about GUI (or requirements a GUI should fulfill in your opinion).
The modelling framework we are using for open_plan is oemof, but I have up to now forseen a way to make a “GUI blueprint” which could be used for other modelling frameworks.
One thing which would help a lot having a common “GUI blueprint” for energy system modelling would be to define an input/output energy system data format standard, but I’ve seen across the posts in the forum that there is not yet a consensus on that.
I don’t know what is the best way to follow up on this (maybe I stir no interest at all and the question is then settled ) Maybe a meeting with the persons interested to collaborate/exchange on this and the minutes of the meeting or its summary gets then posted in the thread of the topic?
Looking forward to see what you think about that!
Thank you
Reference from @robbie.morrison hinting that there is not much GUI across energy models/frameworks
Chang, Miguel, Jakob Zink Thellufsen, Behnam Zakeri, Bryn Pickering, Stefan Pfenninger, Henrik Lund, and Poul Alberg Østergaard (15 May 2021). “Trends in tools and approaches for modelling the energy transition”. Applied Energy . 290 : 116731. ISSN 0306-2619. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116731. CC‑BY‑NC‑ND‑4.0 license.