Hello everyone,
We wanted to reach out and introduce GridCal an open source collaborative power system simulation software. This is a Python based project meant to be used either stand alone (GUI) or as a Python Library. Some of the main features are:
- Power Flow.
- Robust Newton Raphson (AC and Multi-terminal ACDC).
- Levenberg-Marquardt (AC and Multi-terminal ACDC).
- Fast Decoupled PF (AC only).
- Holomorphic embedding (AC only).
- Optimal Power Flow.
- Linear with losses.
- Loss-less simple generation dispatch.
- Time Series.
- Black Out Cascading (needs work).
- Short Circuit.
- Device Templates
- Grid Reduction (needs work)
- Monte Carlo / Latin Hypercube Stochastic Power Flow.]
We are currently working on:
- Improving Documentation
- Creating a course and tutorials
- Debugging features
- Incorporation of ACDC models
- Developing more tests
We are looking for:
- Testers - people who want to use, evaluate and critique the project in order to add valuable input for improvements.
- Developers - people who can help with maintenance and development of the project. Specifically people with Python and/or power system modeling experience. Probably it is a good case for researchers or MsC and PhD students.
If you are interested or have any comments/questions please check out:
- GitHub Page: https://github.com/SanPen/GridCal
- Documentation: https://gridcal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/about.html
- Submit questions or comments to our form: https://forms.gle/MpjJAntAwZiLwE6B6
- Join the Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/dzxctaNbvu
Thank you!