Hey openmod folks ,
I’ve just started my new role at Open Energy Transition, building a team to improve the global coverage and quality of the transmission network on OpenStreetMap(OSM).
Fortunately, we’re still very agile at the moment in terms of how best to use the project’s resources. This raises the question of where to find the data that will add value for the most (modelling) people and have the greatest impact on a sustainable energy transition. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find many good scientific publications on which investments have the greatest impact, except the paper by Bobby Xiong, which shows that most of the OSM data in Europe have a very high coverage and good quality. Here is a small list of all the resources I could find so far that might be relevant: GitHub - open-energy-transition/Awesome-Electric-Grid-Mapping: A curated list of data, code, reports and other resources in the field of electrical grid mapping to increasing global coverage and quality.
Since there are a large number of potential users of these datasets right here in this forum, I just wanted to ask in which part of the world increased mapping efforts could help you. Ideally we are looking for one country from each continent where significant qualitative or quantitative OSM data is missing. Especially if you know about reports or other studies that help us to concentrate on the crucial parts, this would be very helpful. Maybe you know from your own experience good example where data quality had a significant impact on your work.
Feel free to write the whole thing as a wish list .