From GIS to pandapower / PyPSA for power flow calculations

@sbirk, just use PyPSA or Pandapower as a framework. For your case, there will be no ready-to-use model available (model, meaning framework+data). You can start by looking at the framework’s examples, which are kind of self-explaining.

Pandapower focuses more on power flow-related functionalities, but once, e.g. integer capacity expansion becomes relevant, PyPSA will be a good choice. There is also some interoperability between those tools. Contributions to improve the interoperability is welcome (more: PyPSA and the CIM CGMES - does it make sense to go down this road? - #2 by MaxParzen)

Here is a good introduction course that might help you find and map data: Welcome — Data Science for Energy System Modelling

Good luck!