- genre: break‑out‑group
- title: European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum
- presenter: @willu47
- description: We’ll present progress in the ECEMF project including our new open-source visualisation tools which link an open discussion forum with European scenarios hosted on the IIASA scenario explorer. We’ll also consult on the plans under discussion with the European Commission for opening up the forum to the wider community.
- background: @willu47 presented the ECEMF in a workshop at the openmod workshop held at IIASA in 2023. The slides are available here.
Thanks for the great participation in the breakout workshop everyone.
Here are the notes from the workshop (many thanks to @Lucie who helped record the notes during the workshop).
@willu47 introduced the 5 objectives of the ECEMF project and 15 consortium partners (see slides).
The workshop had several aims:
- raise the profile and discuss benefits of model comparison for a range of stakeholders (modellers, national policy makers etc.)
- discuss the “legacy” issue of ECEMF - what will happen after the project and how to keep the effort alive
At the Trondheim Energy Transition Week, met the EFECT network → a discussed the possibility of merging the two efforts.
Why do we need to compare models?
- How does the transition affects the different groups?
- Different actors: EU, business, academia, national policy makers, civil society, …
- Need a diversity of models, but…
- Better to have a dialogue about the model results, harmonising the assumptions… → 1 more coherent dataset
- Need to do a bit more work upfront
Summary (Will Usher)
- Many stakeholders who gain value from model insights
- Many different institutions who develop models
- Many different types of models
- ECEMF provides one focal point for untangling assumptions. scenarios and results through model comparison
- ECEMF Net Zero Scenarios - https://future-sight.ecemf.eu/view?id=15
Q&A (all)
How were views of stakeholders included into the model comparison exercise?: ECEMF developed a stakeholder process - each work package held a bunch of workshops to co-design research questions focussed on a particular topic.
Are the research questions available?: Research questions are going to be published in an (open access) paper very soon
Robbie Morrison: Is the scenario data released under an Open license? [Yes! On Zenodo.]
@RobinGirard: Assumptions shared as much as possible (but it is time-consuming) → “weakness of the comparison so far” (focus on policy questions requires comparison of results rather than inputs. Ideally both would be pursued)
Types of model comparison (Will Usher)
- Technical focus - differences between modelling frameworks, formulation, model behaviour
- Data focus - differences in assumptions, role of modeller decisions, data sources
- Result focus - differences in model outputs
- Combinations of the above
Three case studies:
- Stanford EMF (Will Usher)
- Informal Nordic forum
- OpenModex
Maximilian: openMODEX was helpful, but a slow start
Robin Girard: took time to build the protocol, quite helpful in the end (on how to do the comparison)
Will Usher: focus on comparing results provides insights for the policy maker
?: Important to have a well written the documentation to understand differences between the models
Robbie Morrison: Data licensing → research issue ; “would be a really useful exercise”
WU: Archiving the scenarios under a “CC-BY 4.0” license on Zenodo; results = direct copy of the database
Sarah: Reiner Lemoine Institute ; there are some model comparison ;
- Open modelling plateforme → quite useful ; accessing data is OK, but is it understandable?
- 3 types of complexity models (Excel, …) → compare not so comparable models (are the models compared of the same complexity?)
WU: Set of very complex models (with big teams) ; energy demand → quite nice integrated results ; not so much the case for energy supply though ; lots of assumptions in the IAMs
Robbie Morrison: Software heritage ; produce a DOI for software specifically ; useful metadata for those work, to identify which codebase ; INRIA → “Software heritage” (https://www.softwareheritage.org))
Robin Girard: Visuals? So many complex different sectors ; even better than model comparison
WU: Spend a huge amount of time just discussing; those activities need to be funded (so far so good) ;
Robin Girard: Better to have researchers from a lot of different backgrounds ; ex: ADEME published scenarios (of a lot of different sectors, by asking researchers of each field)
Matteo Giacomo Prina: review article on the topic published a couple of years ago: Comparison methods of energy system frameworks, models and scenario results, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364032122006086
The ECEMF comparison process
Overview (Will Usher)
- Protocol
- Run the model
- Compare
Model Comparison Protocol is published.
Enabling comparison (Will Usher)
• IAMC results template (vocabulary / ontology)
• Result conversion tools (e.g. osemosys2iamc)
• lIASA Scenario Database
• lIASA Scenario Explorer - visualisation, but modeller focussed
• FutureSight - visualisation, user focussed
• [Indicators and metrics for comparison]
Indicators (Will Usher)
- Indicators are used to compare combined outputs from models
- WU showed the model fingerprints paper published in Nature Energy and led by Mark Dekker → source code is published under an MIT license
Issues with comparison
- Another challenge: how the models are aggregating the countries in Europe (see recent paper discussing this)
Introduction to the FutureSight tool
Live demo
Key concepts:
- Dashboard
- Control block
- Data block
- Text block
Goal: allow anyone to interact with the results
All open source (available here)
Christoph Schimeczek: Can upload the results of my own model?
WU: Not yet, but membership to the forum will be opened to anyone
Robbie Morrison: We had a presentation about metadata. where is the link to open energy ontology…?
Will Usher: IAMC template instead ; you can download, but that’s all
RM: Is it a png? What’s the format? Like OSM
RG: Nice to be able to access the document of the model, just by clicking on their name
?: Are the scenarios documented somewhere (yes)
?: Tried the plot with mean average temperature but seems that there’s a bug
RG: How to report an issue?
- Front-end Is all on GitHub - https://github.com/ecemf
- Back-end: ixmp4
- Discussion forum (https://community.ecemf.eu/)): Exists, but is there a need for it? Hard-linking with the visualization
Visit ECEMF online
• Ask questions and suggest answers at our community forum: https://community.ecemf.eu
• Follow the project progress at our website: https://ecemf.eu
• Building a results dashboard using FutureSight:
Legacy plan
How most effective? How funded?
Tried to consult the EU, but no one wanted to own this idea
Lot of people that value the insights, but limits in how the EU is organised (hard to find cash to support this initiative)
Dec 23 - ECEMF develops final legacy plan
Jan 24 - Project collaboration call to present the future forum
Mar 24 - ECEMP 2024 Organising Committee works start
May 24 - In-depth discussion and decision at the ECEMF project meeting
… - Deadline for report on the legacy structure
… - First Secretariat meeting of the ECEMF forum held
… - ECEMF project ends and FORUM officially setup, first General Assembly
Financing Schemes
- A new (or recurrent) call similar to LC-SC3-CC-7-2020.
- A tender or service contract with one or several of the partners of the ECEMF project
- Membership financing of the forum
- A substantial annual fee for the ECEMP conference covering also the ECEM’s activities
- No base financing, only an informal network
- Options 3 and 4 are unlikely to be feasible
- Option 2 raises issues around competitiveness and fair access.
- Option 1 is the only option able to provide funding for partners to participate with their staff and models to the forum’s activities
Victor Ecrement: How would the money be spent?
Minimum Estimated financials
• Website and Dissemination: 2,000 EUR/vr
• Online Community Forum Cost: 1,000 EUR/YT
• 2 lIASAd database instances with support for one model intercomparison every two years:
15.000 EUR + overheads
- FutureSight visualisation backend and tool including support (no development): 2,000 EUR
- Secretariat staff (0.5 FTE) 30,000 EUR + overheads
- ECEMP conference organization:
- Hybrid: Plenary and panel discussions in person, three parallel sessions in person. All other parallel sessions digital. Two-day event. Max 100 attendees. (no registration fees)
- In person + livestream: All sessions in person plus livestreamed or recorded.
- Costs: Venue, Catering. Organization in Brussels (15,000+ EUR), Online facilities (5,000 EUR)
- Model Comparison Coordination (one comparison every two years)
- Two stakeholder workshops: 1,300 EUR + researcher time
- Development of the model comparison protocol (0.25 FTE) 15,000 EUR
- Coordination of monthly meetings (performed by Secretariat)
o Support for result conversion, upload and resuit validation (included in lIASA costs)
• Core researcher time for compiling report and coordinating author team (0.3 FTE) 20,000 EUR
Total: €130 000 per year
RM: Propaging to other areas? In Africa for instance?
?: Would it be possible to add new data/models? (yes, but the focus of the forum is really on Europe, but no reason why we couldn’t do that for another region)
?: New models? New versions?.. Could create ideally countless project
WU: Anyone can become a member ; get involved in the monthly meetings ; in the workshops with policy-makers…
Christoph Schimeczek: I feel that many people assume the protocol is “cool” ; may be interest to re-use it ; maybe even without funding, should be some incentive to actually participate/use it
WU: Could open up memberships already ; open up the next steps…
?: Planning to include some national models? To compare at the national level?
WU: There are some nation-level results as well ; but very much of interest as well