EU Public Consultations (for example: ongoing CO2 emissions maritime transport)

Hey everybody,

Those of you working on CO2/efficiency accounting of international maritime transport (or those who would like more transparency and rigour in this sense) might be interested in participating in the ongoing public consultation on what the priorities should be of this future system (and how the EU system relates to the international one). Even without too much technical knowledge of the dataset, it is very short and asks straightforward questions on some priorities (including: ‘transparancy’, yes!) :slight_smile:, and you can go in detail in the comments.

The link to do so is at:

Related to this: how does your university deals with these public consultations, is the university registered / can you freely participate? As was mentioned by @tom_brown, openmod would need a legal person to become registered… Maybe something to follow-up as well.

See you!

Florian, great idea. Where did you find the dataset?

They do not exist yet, but part of the EU regulation is already agreed (and for the rest they seek input, but I don’t know the details of what the balance is between the ones already agreed / for which they seek input) and data collection will start in 2018 for the EU system (and 2019 for the international system). There is a very clear overview of how the two systems work and the main differences on green4sea. More info on the international system is on the IMO and (more extensive) information on the EU regulation on the EC website. The EC already engaged to make data public, for IMO it seems to become a closed database, that could be made publicly available per state if they would like to. Since 2013 the IMO has legally binding emission rules, voted in 2008: MARPOL Annex VI, mostly related to ozone depleting substances, NOx, SOx, particulate matter and VOCs (p14-26) and technical specifications on
NOx emission measurement.

With regard to CO2, the IMO plans to have CO2 reduction committments ready in 2018, and have an ‘implementation plan’ in 2023.

An inception impact assessment on CO2 emissions monitoring from the EC in July got 20 responses, from industry associations and some NGOs, so - although this broader (and later) EC public consultation on the same topic might get more responses - I assume that there is a lot of room for academic inputs to have impact on policy here. Maybe it’s even better to submit input in these earlier input collection moments, as the law making process is more ‘fresh’ then…