Do-athon Modelling HVDC grids with PowerModels.jl and PowerModelsACDC.jl

Hi I would suggest a do-a-thon for
PowerModels.jl, PowerModelsACDC.jl to solve various optimal power flow problems for AC and DC grids considering different power flow relaxations.

As PowerModels.jl is very friendly in extending the classical OPF problem as well formulations there is a lot of potential. We have written various packages extending PowerModels, e.g. security constrained optimal power flow, transmission extension of HVDC networks, on the basis of which I could show how to extend PowerModels.jl

I am looking forward to your ideas / suggestions.

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@hergun , it would be fantastic if you could share the slides you showed us yesterday, if you are fine with making them available online! Both Carleton’s and your slidedeck are great for reference. It’d be useful especially for those who could not attend the do-a-thon session and nonetheless want to follow up. Thanks!

My slides should be now available under: . I will need to first ask for permission for Carleton’s slides.