Has anyone of you come across EU-scenarios regarding diffusion of heat-pumps, PV, EV and batteries among residential consumers, ideally for different income quantiles?
So far I found the following bits of information:
EU PRIMES model: technology assumptions include cost & efficiency of different heating technologies, however, they do not report the resulting diffusion rates – neither for all households as a whole, nor for different house types or income quantiles.
https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/default/files/ref2020_technology_assumptions.zip -
Swiss Energieperspektiven : include distribution of space heating technologies, separately for existing and new, single family (EZFH) and multi-family (MFH) homes; as well as penetration of different EV types… but do not report this separately for different income quantiles:
If you know of any further links & hints, thank you in advance for posting them here!
Many greetings,