Bypass by alternative network with converter gives "Infeasible or unbounded model"

Hello, I’m trying to modelize this energy system as the following figure :

Wind Turbines : ‘Wind1’, ‘Wind2’, ‘Wind3’, and ‘Wind4.
All converters are set to 1 in inputs / outputs.
Demand is set as constant.
The goal is to create a loop between Winds to share energy with a specific nominal limitation.

For information when i delete the alternative network as Bellow the model work well :

Any idea ? I’m using oemof 5.2 version.

Thanks you.

Hello @4mekha ,

One reason could be that the .py model does not reflect all the connections drawn on the figure. Did you try to force the system to artificially use one path versus the other (by setting variable_costs quite high or efficiency very low for example)?

Could you share a minimum working piece of code to reproduce the model?

Thank you :slight_smile:

I use a homemade tool to run the model, so I can’t share the Python script for this case.

I solved my problem by using this alternative schema :

I still don’t understand why my initial approach doesn’t work as expected. Even when I force or delete the node to ensure it goes through the loop. May be a bug ? i should try with the 6.0 to check if it’s still the same behaviour.

Anyway, many thanks for your quick reply. I appreciate