Breakout Group on licenses for open source and open data

Hi everyone,
in our open_eGo project we recently put some effort in choosing “the right” license for our code and data. Since there was a discussion on that on the mailing list recently, I thought some of you might be interested. We could share our findings i.e. in a breakout group or alternatively in a presentation and short discussion. I could recycle a brief presentation on the topic.


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This is definitely very interesting! Maybe a tech talk would work? This slot is meant for more general stuff like tools and licences etc and there’s lots of free space here.

Sounds good. I just put down a slot in the wiki.

I would really appreciate if there is also a breakout group about. Following Toms suggestion in the recent mail it would be very helpful if the findings of the diverse licence discussions, workshops researches of the last months could be filtered and added into the openmod wiki.

We could of course still do a breakout group.

However, I think the wiki is already a quite nice information hub regarding licenses - I currently do not see any significant items / points that are missing, but rather the risk to overload it.
My presentation would be a kind of wrap-up from a project’s perspective…

If we do a group I would propose to address the topic of non-licensed open data (e.g. ENTSO-E’s map) and how the initiative could lobby for more licensing to improve the usability.

What do you think of that?