Version: 02.a
The Grenoble workshop will likely be oversubscribed in relation to both the numbr of attendees and the number of proposals to either host or present content.
The organizers will now, unfortunately, have to limit numbers on both counts.
Here are the selection criteria we are currently considering:
Diversity considerations
These criteria are intended to support diversity among presenters and attendees:
- gender diversity
- diversity by country, institute, and public/private sector mix
- balance between early-stage and experienced researchers
Priority given to those presenting content:
presenters have priority, individual presenters and lead presenters have priority over groups of presenters
breakout group leaders have priority over lightning talks and posters
Subject matter
The relevance of the subject matter will be assessed as follows:
the degree of comment to open source development and open science
systems modeling and more niche forms of analysis will be treated equally
criteria related to the “color” we want to encourage at this event: interdisciplinarity, critical thinking, and interaction with the “real” world including with companies
Poster space is not a constraint in this context.
Additional criteria
- some places to be reserved for colleagues of the hosting organizations
Screening committee
@etienne.cuisinier @sacha.hodencq @robbie.morrison
We welcome suggestions or feedback on these provisional criteria. Please post below if you have any thoughts or suggestions.
And we very much regret that valued participants will need to be turned away.