AGU2020 session on "Near-Zero Emission Energy Systems"

At AGU2020 we will be hosting “GC061 - Near-Zero Emission Energy Systems: Geophysical Opportunities, Constraints, and Consequences”. We are building on the success of a similar session from AGU2019 and have two excellent speakers already lined up: Destenie Nock (@dnock), Assistant Professor of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University and Ana Dyreson, Postdoctoral Researcher in Electrical Engineering at NREL.

We are encouraging abstract submissions from the entire energy modeling community. As the session will be virtual, we would love contributions from our colleagues who might not normally consider traveling to San Francisco. The abstract submission deadline is July 29. The full session abstract is included in the link above. Please let us know if you have any questions.


We have some exciting abstracts already submitted on topics ranging from

  • “Near-Optimal Solutions in an Open Model of a Renewable European Power System” to
  • “Assessing the influence of freshwater consumption priorities on zero-carbon electricity planning” to
  • analyzing the “Role of long-duration energy storage in variable renewable electricity systems” to
  • studying “The Albedo-Climate Penalty of Hydropower”
  • and more

Consider submitting your abstract before the July 29 deadline (link above).