The result from the 2020 openmod break‑out group can be accessed in this repo:
In this session we will focus on the different approaches of data structures (OEP → flexible database / IAMC → fixed model) and evaluate where and how we can combine them.
There were a lot of openmod sessions in the past we will have in mind:
- Do-a-thon: Towards a common data standard for integrated assessment and energy systems modelling - #6 by khaeru
- Data standards for energy system modeling
- Do-a-thon: Draft for 'energy' datapackage standard (?)
- Standard open common data format (CDF) for power systems
Existing approaches:
- GitHub - OpenEnergyPlatform/oedatamodel: A common open energy data model (oedatamodel) and datapackage format for energy and scenario data
- GitHub - OpenEnergyPlatform/oemetadata: Repository for the Open Energy Family metadata. Contains metadata templates, examples and schemas. For metadata conversion see
- pyam: analysis and visualization of integrated-assessment & macro-energy scenarios — pyam 1.8.0 documentation