Cross-border transmission capacities in Europe

Hello all,

Does anyone have, or know where to find, current and planned cross-border transmission capacities of the European countries?

Best wishes,

Hi Tiziano,
for current capacities ENTSO-E’s transparency platform would be the first place where I would look
For upcoming capacities there are several publications by ENTSO-E. Central here is the Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP)

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


Hi Hauke,

Thank you for the links!
I looked for current capacity data on the transparency platform, unfortunately it seems there are only the transmission flows. I hope to have more luck looking at the TYNDP for the future capacities.

Best wishes,

For current available transfer capacities (ATC), see e.g.

Where you can see what’s available to the market on non-CWE borders. Inside CWE they use flow-based market coupling (FBMC). There are also explicit auctions on other borders and for other products.

ATC change with time because of changing generation and load situations. Older values that were more-or-less static used to be available from ENTSO-E (an NTC matrix) but I haven’t seen it for a while.

Hi Tom,

Thank you for these info. I did not found the NTC matrix in the transparency platform, indeed, but at least there is one in the TYNDP.
