An open energy modelling barometer?

Model comparison exercises

My posting above mentions the need for comparative investigations. Here is some topical work that was brought to my attention yesterday (thanks CB and MF).

MODEX project for Germany

The MODEX or “model experiments for the energiewende” project engaged in a range of framework comparisons. More in this associated topic.

IPCC scenario database

Another related exercise is a searchable database containing the framework‑specific scenarios and their parameterizations as used in IPCC integrated assessments. This is not full transparency and reproducibility but nonetheless a clear step along that path. The database is known as the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) 1.5°C Scenario Explorer:

PS: the landing page states “the scenario ensemble is protected by EU Sui generis database rights”. In light of a recent European judgment (case C‑762/19, document ECLI:EU:C:2021:434), I think it unlikely that a court would agree with that statement, given that, in all likelihood, the lack of exposure to commercial risk by the IAMC consortium relative to any substantial investment in the database structure itself. So here again system analysts face legal uncertainty when seeking to reuse information of public interest. I strongly suggest the IAMC bite the bullet and add CC‑BY‑4.0 licenses to both the contents and the database programming and thereby promote genuinely open data.